Business Trip Management

Claimable expenses or Cash Advance method

What is a Business Trip or Business Trip?

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Assigned to work outside the city for a while, of course it has its own impression and hopes for some people, especially the city you visit is a tourist and culinary city, wow... when will this be? Well, that doesn't mean we focus on the streets, but how to maximize the effectiveness of working even though we're not in the office.

In certain positions or positions, business trips or official trips are things that are usually done by a person such as the professions of Country Manager, Regional Sales, Surveyor, Auditor, Director and Owner. This activity is unavoidable when dealing with activities that involve internal or external that are not located in the same city. Of course the meeting will be held at several agreed locations, this will certainly occur employee mobility from one place to another. Business trips in several companies are measured based on the distance from the meeting location with a certain tolerance. For example, for company A, an employee can be assigned as a business trip if he travels for more than 200KM from the location where he works and is delegated by his superior for a specific purpose. In this activity, it is possible for an employee to stay at a destination location such as in an inn or hotel, have dinner and so on. This rule is very flexible depending on the rules made by the company.

As an employee who has limited time and often goes out of town, of course, regarding this official trip, preparation is needed from the administrative side, including accommodation costs, airline tickets, hotel bookings and so on. During a business trip that is too busy, it is certainly possible for employees to make mistakes such as negligence and losing payment receipts and many more. So, to avoid these manual errors and shorten the claim process, it would be better if this activity was done digitally via the web or mobile application. Where by implementing the use of the application, of course, it can help employees not to bother or lose claim documents. Want to know more about what the application is like. Come on, register and try the application for free here.


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